Sunday, June 19, 2011

Removal of "This copy of windows is not genuine" malware popup

"This copy of windows is not genuine" popup is a problem of double sense. On the one hand, it is a genuine popup produced by Windows, if number of installation replications provided for certain copy has been exceeded or due to system error. In such a case, the subject is to be discussed with Microsoft and all that any experts could suggest is that a user concerned shall contact nearest regional office of the corporation to discuss the issue.
However, most of the cases related to the popup seem to happen because of trojan infections. There are several trojans which popup this message, but they are usually detected under one and same name and thus are grouped by their payload. Therefore this review refers to those trojans as to one and same infection.
Get rid of "This copy of windows is not genuine" popup exterminating the trojan behind it, if that is the case, for the popup, if generated by the trojan, is shown to extort money from you.
Click here to remove "This copy of windows is not genuine" related infections or to ensure the popup is not a misleading arrangement of web-rascals.

"This copy of windows is not genuine" popup removal solution:

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